Things just keep getting better over at the Hurricane Bells camp, and that’s saying something considering their first major appearance was on a platinum selling album.
Hot off of a successful Pledge Music fund raising project, Steve Schiltz, lone permanent member of Hurricane Bells, is up and running with his Invisible Brigades imprint, a freshly designed website, new merch and (my personal favorite of all of it) vinyl. I’d like to think that he pressed the vinyl specifically because I begged him to do so, but I know that had nothing to do with it, but I’m not complaining and I’m willing to take the credit. Your welcome.
The albums official release was actually a few weeks ago, on October 25, so there’s no time like the present to head on over to the Hurricane Bells bandcamp site and grab the new tracks digitally, on CD or limited edition vinyl.
Equally as important, or maybe more important, see them live! There are several shows lined up for December in California and back on the East coast in Pennsylvania, Virginia and New York. I’m going to miss being able to catch the shows at the Mohawk Place in Buffalo, but that doesn’t mean you should! Now get out there and see them live and grab some tunes.
[audio:http://quartertonality.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/Hurricane-Bells-Before-I_m-Gone.mp3|titles=Before I’m Gone]///
Of course you can listen to the new tracks at the Hurricane Bells bandcamp site, where you can also purchase the music in any format except 8-track and wax cylinder
And check their site for tour dates, new merch, videos and everything else you could want.
Don’t forget twitter and Facebook